Barnstaple is a civil parish in the North Devon administrative area, in the English county of Devon. The place has 24,033 inhabitants.
Some famous people from this region are:
John Gay (1685-1732), poet
Snowy White (1948), guitarist / singer
George Friend (1987), soccer player
Andy King (1988), Welsh soccer player

Top 10 Sights Devon:
- Exmoor Zoo
- Arlington Court and the National Trust Carriage Museum
- Heddon Valley.
- Castle Hill
- Broomhill Sculpture Garden
- Queen’s Theatre
- Rock Park
- The Museum of Barnstaple and North Devon
- Ashford Barnstaple – A Wyevale Garden Centre
- Barnstaple – Short Estuary Walk
Devon or Devonshire
Devon or Devonshire is a county in the southwest of England. The capital of Devon is Exeter, which is also the capital of a diocese of the Anglican Church.
Devon can mean both the historic county and the administrative county, although Plymouth and Torbay are two independent administrative units. More than one million people live in all of Devon, 787,171 of which live in the administrative county.
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